Friday, September 5, 2008

Know How Smart Marketing Strategies

Americans spend billions of dollars each year on marketing. In fact, Americans spend over $250 billion per year just on marketing alone. That should tell you how important marketing is for businesses big and small. No one would do it if it did not work.

Of course, there is also the statistic that four out of five new businesses fail within the first five years of being open. To avoid becoming one of those types of statistics, use the smart marketing moves outlined here.

Discover your niche. I am talking about two niches here.

1. Figure out your niche in the marketplace amongst your competitors.

2. Figure out your niche target market. Once you find out how you are different than your competitors and what you can offer customers that other businesses cannot, you have a unique selling proposition (USP) that you can use over and over again in your marketing materials.

Now, who do you market to?

That is the second part of discovering your niche. You should have a narrow target audience, or target market, that you are trying to reach. The mistake most small businesses make from the start is to try to market to everyone. You cannot be everything to everyone. No one has succeeded with that line of thinking.

Use color in your marketing materials. Full color brochures and flyers are much more appealing and eye-catching than black-and-white ones. Color printing might seem expensive, but compared with television and radio commercials, it is actually quite a bargain. Use brochures, postcards and flyers to advertise your business until you have enough money to invest in other types of media.

Gain expert status. How do you do this? Write articles, e-newsletters, contribute to online forums and anything else you can contribute your opinion on. Write emails to local television or radio shows and offer your time as an expert for any upcoming stories. You can also host seminars and workshops for people in the community. People would rather buy from an expert than someone they have never heard of, so get your name out there as a local expert.

Develop relationships with non-competing professionals. Swap business cards and stories with professionals in businesses that complement yours. A dry cleaner could develop a relationship with an alteration service, for instance. Both businesses probably have a similar client list, but they are not competing for business. They can be marketing partners: split the costs of advertising, keep brochures of the other company in each other’s stores, etc. This is a great way to share resources without giving up a lot of money.

Ask for referrals from customers. Whenever you have a satisfied customer, give them your business card and ask them to think of you the next time someone they know needs a service like yours. Referral cards that sweeten the deal work really well: offer your current customers a credit of $25 or $50 for every referral card a new customer brings in with the current customer’s name on it.

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Article Marketing. The Challenging way to maximize the benefits

If you are currently using article marketing technique, these 7 challenging ways can help you maximize the benefits you are getting from writing and distributing your articles online:

1. Learn how to attract attention. You must be able to grab the attention of online users to increase the chances of your articles being read, picked up, and widely republished online. You can easily do so by using titles that are striking, interesting, and those that have the ability to invoke action.

2. Impress your readers. Once you have successfully grabbed the attention of online users, you must know how to keep them interested to compel them to read on. Offer them valuable information that are useful and cannot be found elsewhere. Also, give them great reading experience by making sure that your articles are well-written and easy to understand.

3. Stick to the facts. Some marketers are stretching the truth or insert misleading statements just to create a need for their product and augment their sales potential. This bad business practice can greatly hurt your credibility online and can easily make you lose the trust of your clients in an instant. That is why, it is of outmost importance that you always be truthful and keep your content fact-based.

4. Obtain more quality inbound links. By this, I mean multiply the number of your articles as each submission grants you one backlink for your website. You can either spend more time writing or hire ghostwriters who can provide you quality articles for $5-$12 each depending on topic and word count.

5. Make your articles easy to understand. Your readers must not spend too much time analyzing your ideas just to get the message you are trying to get across. Make it hassle-free for your readers to understand your content by using simple terms and short sentences. Avoid using offbeat acronyms that are not familiar to your readers. Do not use highly technical terms or big words that are difficult to understand. Remember, you are writing to inform and not to impress.

6. Topics. Before you engage in article marketing, you have to understand that you will need to write a lot of articles to generate more quality inbound links for your website. Thus, you will need many topics to write about. You can actually write numerous articles that are targeting the same keywords. For instance, if your main keyword is badminton, you can write about "how to play badminton, 10 tips that will help you excel at badminton, Best badminton strategies", etc.

7. Do not advertise on your articles. If you think that you can augment your sales potential by inserting your sales pitches on your content, you are wrong. When you do this, your readers will be annoyed as they are expecting to get information from your content and not blatant advertisement.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

7 Home Business Ideas...Hope you Get Success

Actually I recommend that you will do tests regularly, because they bring a good results, when you have learnt the basic systems.

1. How Do You Know If Your Site Would Sell More?

Website visitors like changes and new things. That is the life blood of marketing. Website changes can be utilized also so that they are at the same time tests of new tricks.

You can find a dramatic sales increase of hundreds of procentages by testing different headlines, positions and products on your website.

2.Tests Will Reveal, Which Systems Do Not Add Sales.

Of course all new items on the website are not success stories, some are failures. But the failures teach also, they teach us, what systems we must avoid with our internet home business ideas. That is as important as to find out those, which work well.

3. How To Track The Tests Of New Internet Home Business Ideas?

First, you must have an effective tracking software in place to be able to recognize the changes. I recommend Google Analytics, which is free, effective and very easy to set up.

But what stats you should track? To start with, the amount of the unique visitors is the most important figure, because that tells us the amount of new people, who have visited our site.

Another figure is the conversion rate, i.e. how many of the unique visitors have bought some of our products. Now this figure will tell you much closely, how your website works, i.e. is the traffic targeted and if it is, how many of them has bought something.

4. How To Track The Influences Of The Changes?

The idea of the tests is to compare the influence of one change with the earlier situation. This requires that you run the test exactly during the same time. Because the traffic changes all the time, the key figure to follow is the conversion rate.

I recommend that you should do only one change a month and that you will monitor the influences during one month or during at least 1000 unique visitors. Okay, if you notice a huge move to a negative direction, then it is no point to wait the whole month, but to make the corrections immediately.

5.Be Patient With The Marketing Of Your Internet Home Business Ideas.

Small internet business, like we all have, gets the traffic relatively slowly, I mean that the weekly or monthly changes in traffic can be big ones. This means that the tracking period should be long enough and the site owner must have the patience to think thoroughly before doing any changes.

6.If You Go Backwards, Just Return The Earlier Situation.

As I mentioned above, not all changes will lead to better results, actually many tests will lead to a worse situation. In these cases, it is clear that the test has digged ways, which we can avoid in the future.

7.Testing Is An Important And Regular Part Of The Marketing Of The Internet Home Business Ideas.

When you are used with the testing system, it can become a regular part of your marketing, which can bring strong profit increases every month. As a certain side effect, your website visitors will see that your site has new things every month, which is a reason to visit again.

When you test regularly, it will teach you effectively. Your touch about which works and which do not, increases and this will improve your sales results dramatically.

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Break Down The Adsense Income

Google Adsense is a fantastic way to monetize your website. There is no point having a website if it is earning no money when you can easily ad some Adsense ads to it and earn a good income.

Some webmasters find it hard to earn a reasonable amount of money using Adsense while others are earning a remarkable income just using Adsense alone.

The reason why some webmasters do better than others in the amount of income that they earn is the way in which they set up their website, the way they place their ads and the way they optimize their site for search engines.

To reach the highest potential of income with Adsense it is important to spend the time in setting up your website correctly and not just rushing a site and placing any Adsense ads anywhere.

It is amazing how much difference it can make to your income by tweaking your ads and your website.

The type of Adsense ad that you use can make a huge difference to the clicks you will receive. The Large Rectangle for example tends to receive much more clicks than other size ads. Your main goal is to have as many clicks as you possibly can, so it is best to use the ads that tend to perform better such as the Large Rectangle or the Medium Rectangle.

Where you place your ads can also make a big difference. Not everyone stays on a website long enough to scroll down the page, so it is vital to have ads above the fold (where they show on the page before scrolling down).

Near the link bar on the left of the page is a place where most people look and is therefore also a god place to put a block of ads.

The types of colors you use for your ads will also make a big difference to your number of clicks. It helps to have the background color of your ad the same color as the background of your site.

By setting the border color to the same as the background color will make the border disappear, making your ads look less like ads and encourage more clicks.

By having the color of the ad titles the same color as the headings on your website will also blend your ads into your webpage and make them look less like ads.

It is quite important to use of relevant keywords throughout the content of your website. If you optimize your site well with god quality keywords you will be favoured by the search engines and gain a good page ranking. The higher your page ranking the more visitors you will receive to your website.

You need to drive traffic to your website to receive enough clicks on your ads to earn a good income. Without traffic you will not get any clicks. Do some research and explore the different ways to drive traffic to your site and use as many ways as you can. The more traffic you receive the more income you will make.

It is worth it in the long run to spend the time working on your website and getting it just right. If you aren’t seeing enough clicks on your Adsense ads, then tweak your site a bit more, make some changes and see if they make a difference. Find out what works best for you and your site and stick with it

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Plundering Ebay With Ebook

Selling ebooks on ebay is very popular at the moment and the demand for them is very high. Some sellers actually make a full time income just by selling ebooks on ebay, and a very good income at that. Selling ebooks, and in particular your own ebook is one of the most profitable businesses on the internet.

There are two ways in which you can obtain ebooks to sell on ebay.

Firstly, you can purchase ebooks with resell rights. If you buy resell rights to a product you are free to resell that product. You can only sell the actual product but can’t sell the resell rights to the product. Which is ok for buying to sell on ebay.

However, if you would like to offer your customers the resell rights to your ebooks – which can increase their value – you will need to purchase ebooks with Master Resell Rights. This means that you can resell the product plus sell the resell rights to the product.

If you would like to buy an ebook that you would like to perhaps change around a little and give it your own personal touch, then you will need to buy an ebook with Private Label Resell Rights.

This means that you have the rights to change the product and change the author name to your own name. PLR rights are very good because you really have the ultimate ownership of that product and can do much more with it, including adding some affiliate links within the ebook.

If you are not experienced enough in a particular field to write your own ebook, then purchasing an ebook with PLR rights is a good place to start. You will have much of the information you need already in the ebook, and all you need to do is change it a little.

The second way to obtain ebooks to sell is to write your own ebook. Ultimately, this is the best option as you have 100% ownership of the product and can do absolutely anything you want with it.

You can write ebooks about almost anything, so there is a good chance that you have a hobbie or interest that you have enough knowledge about to create your own ebook.

If you do need some more knowledge than you personally have, you can quite quickly and easily research the topic on the internet or in books and find some more information. Always make sure when you find any information from the internet or books, never copy the information straight from the source, always make sure you write it in your own words.

Selling ebooks is quite popular due to the fact that once you have your ebook written and all ready to sell, there are very little costs after that point. No continued purchasing costs that you would have if you were selling physical products.

You can sell your ebooks on ebay or also from your own website. Once your ebooks are set up the only continued costs you will have are your ebay fees or website hosting fees. So when you price your ebooks, make sure you take into account your fees.

Whether you buy ebooks and resell or create your own, you will have a heap of fun choosing and/or creating your products and even more fun selling them.

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